Is your diesel having issues starting up? Do you hear a knocking noise? Is there blue colored smoke coming from your engine? Don't ingore the signs, those could all be signs of engine failure. One of the leading issues that lead to diesel engine failure is fuel contamination. Fuel contamination comes in different forms, but always has the same result - engine trouble and fuel system failures. Here’s what you need to know about fuel contamination with diesel trucks, from Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL.
The term “overdrive” is one you are most likely familiar with. What is overdrive though, really, and why is it important? Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL has the answer.
Transmissions are one of the more mysterious and unknown aspects of automotive engineering, to most people. In the modern world, this is more true than ever, making technicians with expertise in transmission maintenance and repair more of a necessity than a convenience. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, our technicians have the skill, knowledge, and equipment necessary to diagnose and repair any sort of transmission issue you may be experiencing with your Dodge, Chevrolet, or Ford diesel pickup.
The differentials on your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge diesel pickup are some of the hardest working components on your truck. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, our technicians are experts in maintaining, repairing, and replacing differentials, keeping your truck working reliable just as much as you do.
Starter issues don’t necessarily indicate a bad starter; sometimes a transmission related issue is at fault. If you are experiencing starter difficulties, Action Auto Center in Sarasota has the information you need.
The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV with a manual transmission, you may have heard the term “pilot bearing” or “pilot bushing” before. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, we know that the first step to keeping your vehicle maintained is knowing something about how it works. Here’s some helpful information on the pilot bearing, and how to know if yours needs to be replaced.
If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you’ve undoubtedly been told that you’re supposed to downshift to slow down, instead of relying completely on the brakes. But what is the science behind that, and does it matter? Action Auto Center in Sarasota explains.
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