Your vehicle's radio and headlights, plus a slew of other important functions, are powered by an electrical current generated by your vehicle’s engine. A vital part of generating electricity is having a place to store it while it’s not being used, which is where a car battery comes into play. The battery holds electrical energy while a car is off in order to help the engine turn over and create a spark to start internal combustion. Without a working battery, your car will not be able to start. If you perform proper maintenance, however, an average car battery can start your car reliably for roughly four years.
Once your diesel truck is back on the road, you’ll definitely want to keep it running strong. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL, we’ve got you covered.
At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, we understand how vital solid battery power is to a truck driver. A dead or weak battery isn’t a big deal in a passenger vehicle; in a commercial truck, missed deadlines, incomplete jobs, insufficient equipment, and inconvenient situations are all consequences of a less than adequate battery.
At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, we know the key to making your vehicle last; good maintenance. An overwhelming percentage of the problems we see, especially the really catastrophic ones, are a result of poor maintenance. While properly maintaining a vehicle can seem a like a bit of a hassle, it is absolutely worth the payoff. Good maintenance is the only difference between a car that lasts 80,000 miles and a car that lasts 400,000 miles. Preventative maintenance and repair when a problem occurs are are your two concerns, and both will keep your car on the road far longer, if observed properly.
Wheel bearings often go overlooked but have an incredibly important job to perform. Wheel bearings are an integral component of your truck, and when one begins to fail, other problems begin to arise. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, we want you to have the ability to recognize a problem before it turns into a bigger one. Here’s what to look out for.
At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL, we’ve got every answer to your transmission questions and needs, and answers to a lot of things that fall outside of that realm as well. Today, we’re talking about the ABS light - an issue that plagues many modern drivers at some point or another.
At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL, we know managing a fleet or commercial truck is no small task. For that reason, we like to keep you informed on things to look out for, and what to do about them. Tires are an area worth paying attention to...tire condition determines ride quality and drivability, and provides useful insight into the condition of your vehicles.
While fleet trucks and vehicles tend to persist as some of the more simplistic vehicles on the road, the modernization and computerization of the automotive world has not left them untouched. These days, everything is equipped with computer systems, sensors, modules, and more. At Action Auto Center in Sarasota, FL, our professional technicians have the knowledge, equipment, and ability necessary to provide the accurate and vital diagnostics required to keep your fleet on the road.
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Sarasota, FL 34240
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